About You

Growing Your Wealth

News flash! Financial planning is not just for over 55’s. Are you 25 to 45 years of age, have debt such as mortgages and personal loans, dependent children or multiple super accounts? Want to plan for a wedding, a first home, a bigger home or a better holiday? Find out how a money coach can help you get ahead and stay ahead. It will be the most valuable decision you will ever make.

How a money coach can help you get ahead and stay ahead.

News flash! Financial planning is not just for over 55’s.

  • Are you between 25 and 45 years of age?
  • Do you have debt such as mortgages or personal loans?
  • Do you have dependent children?
  • Do you have super/multiple super funds?
  • Do you want a bigger home, bigger car, more time off to look after the kids?
  • Are you time poor, pressured, and not sure how a financial planner can help you?
  • If you died, or could no longer work again, do you really know if your family would be financially secure?

At MoneyLink, we know that when a financial planner helps a younger person by creating a winning strategy, the outcome is a massive return on investment… and the young person gets ahead and stays ahead

It takes time to build wealth and financial security. Finding the right financial planner early can change your life.

Why start at 55 when you can start now?

MoneyLink Financial Planning can help you by adding value and reducing risk. You may not think you need a Money Coach, but it will be the most valuable decision you will ever make.

Career & Family Life

Do you know how much you’ll need to fund the retirement you want? It seems like a long way off, only it’s not. These are your peak earning years, and you need to maximise your opportunity, protect yourself and your family, and prepare for your financial future. MoneyLink can help you by adding value, reducing risk and offering a personalised approach to wealth management, helping you reach your financial and family goals.

How do I get ahead?

News flash! Financial planning is not just for over 55’s.

In your 20s you feel invincible. Your 30s brings on a whole new set of responsibilities including career and family. But your 40s are especially important because you are closing in on retirement… fast.

MoneyLink financial planning clients ask us questions like this…

  • Will I have enough to live on?
  • Will we be able to help the kids with a deposit?
  • Should I be salary sacrificing?
  • If something happens to me, will my family be financially secure?

Retirement seems like a long way off, only it’s not. Life gets very hectic, very quickly.

Between Saturday sport, endless meetings, mortgage repayments, rising electricity bills, and squeezing in a date night every so often with your partner… life just whizzes by.

These are your peak earning years, and you need to maximise your opportunity, protect yourself and your family, and prepare for your financial future.

MoneyLink can help you by adding value, reducing risk and offering a personalised approach to wealth management helping you reach your financial and family goals. Do you know what kind of retirement you want?

Do you know how much you’ll need to fund this? We integrate financial planning with investment management, which allows us to develop targeted strategies and provide each and every customer with a unique experience tailored to deliver the best possible outcome for them.


If you’re approaching retirement, or are already there, what does life after work look like for you? Do you really know if you’ve done enough to prepare for a comfortable retirement? Will you have enough to live on? MoneyLink Financial Planning are retirement income strategists. And can help clear up those uncertainties by adding value, reducing risk and offering a personalised approach to your wealth management.

It’s time for freedom,
flexibility and certainty

New clients often come to us dissatisfied with low returns on their retirement investment portfolios and superannuation.

They feel nervous and frustrated because they’re worried the risk of a better return is too high, and their understanding of current market trends and changing legislation is poor.

If you’re approaching retirement, or are already there, what does life after work look like for you?

Do you really know if you’ve done enough to prepare for a comfortable retirement?

    Will you have enough to live on?

    Do you feel financially secure?

    MoneyLink Financial Planning are retirement income strategists and can help clear up those uncertainties by adding value, reducing risk and offering a personalised approach to your wealth management.

    Settling into retirement is a special transition that deserves to be celebrated. After all your hard work and careful financial planning, you should now be able to relax and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle.

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